We are passionate about creating cohesive, dynamic, reflective and more effective work cultures.

Our emphasis is on creating learning cultures through consultation and critical reflection.

The self awareness and confidence gained by individuals through our action learning and conversational approach contributes greatly to workplace change, leadership and team development.


Our personalised consultation service provides tailored insights and strategies to enhance learning outcomes.

Coaching & Mentoring

Our 1:1 and small group sessions are designed to explore, surface and clarify future direction and learning.


Our facilitation of small to large groups enables all participants to be heard, acknowledged and challenged in a respectful environment in the process of developing shared understandings and learnings.

Keynote Speaking

Be inspired and motivated by Mark’s unique approach in sharing stories that will promote laughter, reflection and change.


Our point of difference lies in our unique approach, blending conversational learning with critical reflection to foster deeper insights and transformative growth.



  • Reflective Practice
  • Leadership Development
  • Team Enhancement
  • Conflict Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Organisational Change
  • Resilience
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Stress Management

The mode of delivery for workshops is predominantly experiential, interactive and conversational; tools such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, EQi-2 and Thomas Kilman Indicator® are used where necessary.

Contact us today to discover how our leadership consulting services can drive your success